It’s official. We entered four teams (Recurve A, Recurve B, Longbow and Compound) in the Selby Postal League this year (2014) and every one of our teams came top in their division and will be promoted for the next season! Before we get too big headed about it it should… Read more »
The final results from the Selby 2014 Postal league are in, and barring any judges enquiries we came top in all four of our divisions! You can see all the details on the Selby 2014 Page. A big congratulations to everyone who took part. There will be medals, apparently.
The Royston Crow ran a very nice article on our recent successes in the County Western.
Sunday 22nd June 2014, shooting Windsors. This is a longer round than we normally shoot so we didn’t finish until about 4:30. Altogether twelve archers stayed on to finish the challenge and enter a score for one of the Windsors, but many others took part in the first leg and… Read more »
We’ve filled a large ring binder in 6 months!
In December 2013 we at Royston Heath Archery Club started shooting a 252 scheme. It’s an unofficial but popular outdoor awards scheme used in various forms by many clubs. It is similar to, but much simpler to administer than the ArcheryGB Junior Progress Awards Scheme, and is open to all archers, not… Read more »
This was our first shoot at our new indoor venue in Freman College Buntingford – plus a few photos from subsequent weeks.
On Sunday, 29th of September 2013 we had a different kind of club record: the largest number of medals and new classifications ever announced in one day at the club. It seems that for many of our members their efforts are bearing fruit. We had five new classifications and four… Read more »
Gary arranged for a photographer to visit us last Sunday and he took lots of pictures. The hope is that we can find an indoor venue for this winter.
Our Invitation shoot was on the 3rd of August 2013, and seemed to be quite a success, despite some occasional torrential rain, the weather for 95% of the time was very pleasant. We all enjoyed ourselves, I think, and so did our guests, Hinxworth Archery Club.