Royston Archery Club shoot at two venues during the year.
The Heath
Therfield Heath, Baldock Road, Royston, SG8 5BJ.

Location and Layout of our range at Royston Heath
Our range is set out according to the requirements of Archery GB, as described in the document Rules of Shooting. The diagram above is only approximate.
The distances are marked out on the ground with screw-in “brushes” like these:

The Shooting Line
The yellow and white brushes together in the photo above mark out the shooting line, one pair at each side of the range. Behind the shooting line a white brush at either end locates the waiting line. In front of the shooting line, down each side of the range, yellow brushes mark out the metric distances from 10 metres to 90 metres and white brushes mark the imperial distances from 10 yards to 100 yards.
Melbourn Village College
Melbourn Village College, The Moor, Melbourn, Royston, SG8 6EF.
During the indoor season (September to April) we shoot in the sports hall at Melbourn Village College. The hall allows us to set up a 18 metre / 20 yard range which allows us to show numerous official rounds. Unfortunately we don’t have access to club bows at the venue. Therefore this session is available for all archers with their own equipment only. A target fee (£6 per session) is required to cover the costs of hall hire.