Royston Heath Archery Club is run on behalf of its members by the club committee. Each year at the AGM the existing committee stands down and a fresh election is undertaken for the membership of the new committee. In line with many small organisations, it is not unusual for members of the old committee to continue in the same role on the new one. This is largely because no-one else puts themselves forward. If you believe that there is a role for you on the committee, please speak to one of the current committee for more details. Below are the current members who hold positions on the committee.
- Chris Harding: Chair, Webmaster, Equipment Sales
- Kieth Goodall: Secretary
- Deborah Martin: Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Equipment Officer
- Jack Corps: Records Officer, League Competitions Officer
- Andrew Cox: Publicity Officer, Open Competitions Officer
- John Albone: Equipment Officer
- Michael Wright: Beginners Officer
- David Paterson: Safeguarding Officer
- Sam Swift: Uniform/merchandise
Click below to find out more about each role on the committee and Club Members can see minutes from previous AGMs and Committee meetings.