Club Records Help Page


Predefined Reports

The simplest thing to do is to pick one of the predefined reports from the dropdown and click the “Run Report” button. After a little while the search results should appear in the “Results” box.

  • You can enter text in the search box to limit the result to rows that contain that text, for example enter your name to see only your own results.
  • You can page through the results with the buttons in the bottom right, and you can change the number of results on each page from the dropdown on the top left.
  • If a score looks like a link (blue and underlined) then you can click on it to see the scorecard and a bar chart. Click again to hide it.
  • Clicking on any of the column headers in the results sorts by that column in ascending order (first at the top.)
  • Clicking again reverses the order of the sort.
  • Holding down the shift key while clicking on additional columns sorts by those columns too, maintaining the previous sort. So for example to sort by archer then by date descending, click the Archer heading then shift-click the Date heading twice.
  • You can hide columns that you’re not interested in with the “Show/Hide Columns” menu.

What the Columns Mean

Most of the columns should be fairly self-explainatory, but here’s the complete list explained.


The date on which the round was shot.


The archer.


The gender, age group and bow type.


The name of the round.

Place Shot

The place that the round was shot. For club shoots that will either be “Club Target Day” or “Club Target Evening”.


The handicap for the individual score. This is not the same as your current handicap. Your current handicap is calculated as a rolling average of the best (lowest) of these values, and will show up in the Badges column when it changes. You can read all about that here.

The handicap for score is a very useful number because it gives you an impartial assessment of how well you shot on that day, and can be directly compared with other values for all the other rounds. It can tell you which rounds and distances you perform better at and which distances you might want to work on. It can also give you a good indication of your general progress.


Classification for the score, if any. Again this is not your current classification. You need three classifying scores within a season to achieve a classification, more information here.


The score for the round. If the score looks like a link, you can click on it to see the scorecard that was submitted.


You’ll see a number of icons in the rightmost column of the report. If you hover over them you’ll get a brief description, but here’s the full set explained.

Personal Best.

 Current Club Record.

 Old Club Record.

 First qualifying White 252 score (likewise for other colours.)

 Second qualifying White 252 score and award (likewise for other colours.)

 Bronze medal awarded in a competition.

 Silver medal awarded in a competition.

 Gold medal awarded in a competition.

Third Class New third class outdoor classification (likewise for other classifications.)

(Third Class) Confirmation of a third class outdoor classification (likewise for other classifications.) At the end of each season you are re-classified on your three best scores. This badge indicates that you have re-achieved your previous end-of-season classification assesment in the current season, and will have (at least) that classification at the start of the next season.

E New indoor classification “E” (likewise for other classifications.) As with the outdoor classifications, this will also appear with brackets if you have re-achieved it in the current season.

65 A new or improved handicap.

Making Your Own Reports

You can create, save and share reports tailored to you.

To get started, click the “Customize Report” button and you will see the underlying form. It’s quite a lot to take in, but you can click the same button again to hide it when you don’t need to see it.

With the form open, choose a different pre-defined report. You will see that all it is doing is filling in the form for you. When you click “Run Report” what is really happening is that it is submitting the current values from the form as a query.

The form is just a set of restrictions on the information that you see when you run the report.

Hover the mouse over the title of any of the sections of the form. You should see a little tooltip appear, explaining a bit about what that section is about. Some other individual parts of the form also have their own tooltips.

You can make changes to the report before you run it. How to save your modified report is described in the next section, but for now here are a few ideas for modified reports you might want to save:

My Personal Bests

Choose “Personal Bests” from the predefined reports. If you ran that now, it would show you everyone’s personal bests. So instead select yourself instead of “All Archers” in the Archer section of form. Run the report and you will see all of your personal bests. You can restrict all the other predefined reports in similar ways.


For any of the reports, look in the Dates section and either choose a season or change the dates directly. Picking a season just puts the correct start and end dates in the start and end date boxes. If you clear out either of the date fields, the report will run for just the one remaining date. If both dates are empty the report will run for all dates.

Club Records in My Category

Select the “Club Records” report, which by default will show all club records. Then in the “Category” box select your age group, gender and bow type. Running this will show you just those records for your category.

History of A Round

Do as for “Club Records in My Category” above, but further select a particular round from the “Rounds” section, and check “Old Records” in the “Limit to” section, making sure the “Current Records” box is still checked. This should show you the history of club records for that round and category.

My 252 Scores

Pick the “252 Awards” report and note that it chooses “Round Family” rather than “Round” in the “Round” section, it selects “252” as the the round family, and it selects “252 Awards” in the “Limit To” section.

If you were to run that now it would show all 252 awards for all archers. But if you remove the restriction on only showing 252 awards, you would see all 252 scores for all archers, and then if you limit the archer to yourself, you will see all of your 252 scores, qualifying or not.

When you get comfortable with how the form works you can use it to create all kinds of reports.

Saving Your Reports

You can save your customized reports so that they will appear in your list of reports in future, and you don’t have to edit reports to run them.

To save a customized report, just edit the name in the Save Report section and click the “Save This Report” button. For example after doing the My Personal Bests customization above, change the report name from “Personal Bests” to “My Personal Bests” then save it. From now on, unless you delete it, that report will remain in your list of reports.

If you’re part of a family of archers who all use the same computer, you might think of naming your reports “John’s Personal Bests”, “Mary’s Personal Bests” etc.

You can’t change or delete any of the predefined reports, and if you name a personal report badly, just select it from the dropdown and save it again with a better name. When you’re happy, select and delete the old one.

Your choices of table layout (hidden columns, rows per page, sort order etc.) will also be saved with the report, so it’s worth setting those up at the same time. Of course you can come back later, change them and save again.

Your choices are saved in your browser. If you visit the club records page from a different computer or with a different browser, you’ll have to set them up separately there, sorry about that.

Sharing Your Reports

If you want to show one of your reports to another club member, just click on the “Get the Link” button in the “Link to the Current Report” section. After a few moments you should see a popup containing a tiny url that you can copy and paste into an e-mail or a browser.