


Outdoor Imperial Rounds, Five Zone Scoring

RoundDozens at each distance
Gold 2523       
Silver 252 3      
Bronze 252  3     
Red 252   3    
Blue 252    3   
Black 252     3  
White 252      3 
Green 252       3
American 50     
American 40     
American 30     
Double American  555   
Double 100 Yard Clout        
Double 80 Yard Clout        
Double 60 Yard Clout        
Double New National84      
Double Long National 84     
Double National  84    
Double National 50   84   
Double National 40    84  
Double National 30     84 
Double York1284     
Double Hereford 1284    
Double Bristol I 1284    
Double Bristol II  1284   
Double Bristol III   1284  
Double Bristol IV    1284 
Double Bristol V     1284
100 Yard Clout        
80 Yard Clout        
60 Yard Clout        
New National42      
Long National 42     
National  42    
National 50   42   
National 40    42  
National 30     42 
National+Warwick  64    
St Nicholas    43  
Kris Kringle     43 
Santa Claus      43
New Warwick22      
Long Warwick 22     
Warwick  22    
Warwick 50   22   
Warwick 40    22  
Warwick 30     22 
New Western44      
Long Western 44     
Western  44    
Western 50   44   
Western 40    44  
Western 30     44 
St George333     
Albion 333    
Windsor  333   
Windsor 50   333  
Windsor 40    333 
Windsor 30     333
Hereford 642    
Bristol I 642    
Bristol II  642   
Bristol III   642  
Bristol IV    642 
Bristol V     642

Outdoor Metric Rounds, Ten Zone Scoring

RoundDozens at each distance
Burntwood Albion (Senior)     3   3   
Burntwood Albion (Junior)           3 
Burntwood American (Senior)           
Burntwood American (Junior)            
Burntwood Hereford (Senior)     1   4   
Burntwood Hereford (Junior)           4 
Burntwood National (Senior)         2   
Burntwood National (Junior)           2 
Burntwood St George (Senior)         3   
Burntwood St George (Junior)           3 
Burntwood St Nicholas (Senior)     3   4   
Burntwood St Nicholas (Junior)           4 
Burntwood Warwick (Senior)         2   
Burntwood Warwick (Junior)           2 
Burntwood Western (Senior)         4   
Burntwood Western (Junior)           4 
Burntwood York (Senior)         1   
Burntwood York (Junior)           1 
Double Frostbite         6   
Double Metric Clout 185m             
Double Metric Clout 165m             
Double Metric Clout 125m             
Double WA Gents66     6 6   
Double WA Ladies 66    6 6   
Double WA Cadet Ladies  66    66   
Frostbite         3   
20m Frostbite          3  
Half Metric I         
Half Metric II         
Half Metric III         
Half Metric IV         
Half Metric V         
Half Royston Heath White Course             
Half Royston Heath Yellow Course             
Half Royston Heath Blue Course             
Half Royston Heath Red Course             
Half WA Gents         
Half WA Ladies         
Half WA Cadet Ladies         
Long Metric Gents33           
Long Metric Ladies 33          
Long Metric I 33          
Long Metric II  33         
Long Metric III   33        
Long Metric IV    33       
Long Metric V     33      
Metric Clout 185m             
Metric Clout 165m             
Metric Clout 125m             
Metric Clout 110m             
Metric Clout 90m             
Metric Clout 75m             
Metric I 33    3 3   
Metric II  33    33   
Metric III   33    33  
Metric IV    33    3 3
Metric V     33    33
Outdoor Portsmouth             
Royston Heath White Course             
Royston Heath Yellow Course             
Royston Heath Blue Course             
Royston Heath Red Course             
Short Metric I       3 3   
Short Metric II        33   
Short Metric III         33  
Short Metric IV          3 3
Short Metric V           33
Starlight  5          
WA 30m         6   
WA50m       6     
Metric-80-40        6    
Metric-80-30         6   
Metric-80-20          6  
WA 50m Match Round            
WA60m  6          
WA70m 6           
Metric-122-50   6         
Metric-122-40    6        
Metric-122-30     6       
Metric-122-20      6      
WA Olympic Round 1           
WA Standard Round   3 3       
WA VI Outdoor     3   6   
WA Gents33     3 3   
WA Ladies 33    3 3   
WA Cadet Ladies  33    33   

Indoor Imperial Rounds, Various Scorings

RoundDozens at each distance
60cm40cm16in special
60cm40cm16in special
Bray I    
Bray II    
Double Portsmouth 10   
Double Worcester    10
NFAA Indoor    5
NFAA Vegas 300    
NFAA Vegas 450    
Plymouth   5 
Plymouth (triple)   5 
Portsmouth 5   
Worcester    5
Worcester (5 Spot)    5

Indoor Metric Rounds, Various Scorings

RoundDozens at each distance
Combined WA 55
Combined WA (Triple) 55
6cm Hit and Miss   
8cm Hit and Miss   
12cm Hit and Miss   
16cm Hit and Miss   
Vegas  5
WA18m  5
WA18m (Triple)  5
WA25m 5 
WA25m (Triple)   
WA VI Indoor