Sunday 26th of February proved to be a rather blustery occasion. The unpredictability of the gusts certainly hampered consistent shooting. However the challenging conditions were met head on and members shot through them, however the planned American was reduced to a Warwick due to higher wind speeds being forecasted for later in… Read more »
On Sunday 19th of February the club held their inaugural Burntwood Handicap shoot. This was a handicapped competition where everyone shot the Burntwood National (Senior) round [4 dozen @ 30m on a 60cm face & 2 dozen @ 30m on an 80cm face]. Despite a brief period of light drizzle… Read more »
Royston had three HAA Winter League matches in January 2017. The results were as follows: Portsmouth League – Recurve Division 1 Royston (2670) – Hinxworth (2780) [Royston Lose] Frostbite League – Recurve Royston (1484) – Hertford Company of Archers 1(1641) [Royston Lose] Frostbite League – Compound Royston (630) vs HCA (717) [Royston Lose]