Sunday 26th of February proved to be a rather blustery occasion. The unpredictability of the gusts certainly hampered consistent shooting. However the challenging conditions were met head on and members shot through them, however the planned American was reduced to a Warwick due to higher wind speeds being forecasted for later in… Read more »
Sunday 26th June 2016 was a cloudy but warm summer day on the Heath with a moderate headwind when gusting. To celebrate the longest day, the longest rounds of Yorks, Herefords, and Bristols were shot by our members. Those unable to shoot 12 dozen shot Nationals and 252s. Congratulations! You can pick up all… Read more »
Sunday 10th April 2016 was a windy spring day on the Heath. Westerns were the scheduled round, however Nationals and 252s were shot as well. Congratulations! You can pick up all of the details here.
Sunday 28th February 2016, shooting Nationals, 252s and a WA900. Congratulations! You can pick up all of the details here.
Sunday 7th February 2016 shooting an outdoor Portsmouth. It was very windy, just about borderline for shooting, so no club records today. Nonetheless there were many personal bests from people who have not shot this unofficial and unusual round before. Congratulations. You can see all of the day’s scores here.
Today we held our inaugural St. Nicholas Handicap competition as well as two unofficial shorter variants of it, namely the Kris Kringle and the Santa Claus. The results are as follows (note that the scores are the scores signed for, the scores recorded in the club records may differ after correction.)… Read more »
Sunday 22nd November 2015 shooting a Frostbite for the Herts Winter League. It was bright and still, but appropriately chilly. Even so some members stayed on to shoot a double. Congratulations! you can see all the days scores here.
Sunday 1st November shooting assorted rounds, it was a very pleasant calm day with good light. Congratulations! you can see all the days scores here.
Sunday 25th October 2015 shooting various rounds, this week we had some of our beginners from the previous course shooting with us, welcome! Congratulations! You can see all of the scores for the day here. Our beginners scores will show up in that report if and when they join the… Read more »
Sunday 18th October 2012 shooting various rounds. Congratulations! all the scores for the day are here.