Sunday 17th August 2014 shooting a Long Metric II and a Red 252. Just like last thursday evening, as soon as we finished setting up the heavens opened and most of us ran for cover while a few soldiered on through it. After the rain has stopped most of the rest… Read more »
Thursday 14th August 2014, shooting a Warwick and 252s. As soon as we had set up the rain started and while a couple of brave souls continued to shoot, the majority of us retired to the heath bar until the rain stopped. Congratulations! You can see all the scores here.
Sunday 10th August 2014, shooting a Warwick. Despite awful weather and e-mails to the contrary, a few of us actually did shoot on the day. We’d only just done the Hinxworth invite the day before, and enthusiasm overcame the wind and rain. Congratulations! Full scores are here (for those who might be interested,… Read more »
Thursday 7th August 2014 shooting 252s and a Warwick. Another lovely evening but this time a good amount of cloud cover kept the sun out of our eyes, which might explain all the great scores. Congratulations! You can see all the scores here.
Sunday 13th July 2014 shooting Warwicks, Nationals and 252s. Rain continually threatened, but it was so humid that by the time it arrived it was welcome. Because of the threat of rain we started shooting the shorter Warwicks but a number of us decided to extend the Warwicks to Nationals…. Read more »
Thursday 3rd July 2014, shooting a FITA 70 (now called a WA 70) a Short Warwick and 252s. A lovely evening, though the clear skies meant the sun was in our faces. Congratulations! You can see all the scores here.
Thursday 26th June 2014 shooting 252s, as Short Warwick and a FITA 70. Very pleasant weather if a bit chilly, overcast with very little wind, so there were some good scores. Congratulations! You can see all the scores here.
Sunday 22nd June 2014, shooting Windsors. This is a longer round than we normally shoot so we didn’t finish until about 4:30. Altogether twelve archers stayed on to finish the challenge and enter a score for one of the Windsors, but many others took part in the first leg and… Read more »
Thursday 19th June shooting a whole range of rounds. A nice evening, not too windy and quite a bit of cloud to keep the sun out of our eyes most of the time. Congratulations!
Sunday 15th June 2014, shooting a Short Metric I, a :National, a Long Metric IV and 252s. Congratulations! Apologies to newly joined members who may not see their results here yet, particularily for the juniors we need to enter details like date of birth before the records system can show… Read more »