Monthly Archives: September 2013
Compound TV Magazine – Paris – Archery World Cup 2013
The Mathematics Behind Handicap Tables

Graduated Handicap Tables (PDF) In a recent letter to the Archery UK magazine, the mathematician and archer David Lane announced that he was releasing the algorithm for calculating archery handicap tables into the public domain, so we asked him for a copy. Don’t read it if you’re scared of maths,… Read more »
Protected: Abbey Edge Grove Junior Indoor Tournament
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A Big Day

On Sunday, 29th of September 2013 we had a different kind of club record: the largest number of medals and new classifications ever announced in one day at the club. It seems that for many of our members their efforts are bearing fruit. We had five new classifications and four… Read more »
Club Target Day

29th September 2013, shooting Nationals We took the opportunity to mix up the targets, putting the shorter distances in the middle of the range. Time was a bit tight, because there were a lot of handicap improvements, club records and new classifications to award, and we had the beginners’ course… Read more »
Protected: World Record Status Ely Archers 5th Annual FITA Competition Sunday 19 January 2014
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Protected: Ely Archers 6th Annual Portsmouth Saturday 16th November 2013
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Howard Bowmen Invite
Sunday 22nd Sept, at Lemsford Village, Welwyn Garden City. Shooting Short Metrics. First of all thanks to Ian Davitt and the rest of Howard Bowmen for inviting us over. We had a great time, and met some great people. We divided into three competitions: Recurve Short Metric I, Compound Short… Read more »